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Hello World!

Iā€™m Abderrahim, a passionate web and mobile developer with over three years of experience. My expertise lies in crafting user-friendly applications with React and React Native. For web development, I leverage the power of Next.js and Node.js, while my mobile applications come to life through React Native, with a particular focus on Expo. My ambition is to devise innovative solutions that not only fulfill user requirements but also adhere to the highest industry standards.



NodeJs :
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine.
NextJs :
Next.js is a React framework for building web applications.
React Native (Expo) :
Expo is a platform for universal React applications.
Typescript :
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript.
Docker :
Docker packages software into standardized containers.
Jenkins :
Jenkins is an open source automation server for developers.
AWS is a comprehensive cloud platform by Amazon.
MongoDB :
MongoDB is a scalable document database for modern apps.